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Local Mission.
Global Vision.

Local Mission.
Global Vision.

Commercial Solutions Team

An excellent team drives excellent customer experiences. From account managers and billing to product development and marketing, meet our Commercial Solutions leaders.

Gary Enloe

Vice President of Commercial Solutions & Product Development

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Gary serves as Vice President of Commercial Solutions and Product Development, overseeing all product development efforts, including consumer, enterprise, and wholesale.

Francis LeChapelle

Vice President of Business Development

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As Vice President, Francis is responsible for the strategic management of carrier and wholesale relationships.

Jared Lindman

Director of Commercial Solutions

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As Director of Commercial Solutions, Jared provides industry-leading marketing and sales direction for MTA’s Wholesale and Enterprise teams.


Carrier Access Billing System Administrator

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As a CABS Administrator, Mattias is responsible for ensuring that all telecom billing stays on track, all the while coordinating with representatives of other telecommunications carriers to resolve joint issues and ensure consistent and effective network operations.

Steven Brockman

Commercial Solutions Analyst

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In his role as Commercial Solutions Analyst, Steve helps MTA expand commercial solutions business in adjacent markets and government programs.

Dan Fleckenstein

Sales Engineer

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As Enterprise Sales Engineer, Dan places great emphasis on ensuring MTA Business delivers high-quality services to customers throughout Alaska.

Jeni Mason

Carrier & Wholesale Specialist

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Jeni currently works as a Carrier & Wholesale Specialist, actively working to provide top-tier customer service while working with internal stakeholders to keep every project and request on schedule.

Sonja Nelson

Wholesale Account Manager

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Sonja works as a Wholesale Account Manager, putting her deep understanding of MTA’s technology applications to work and connecting our large customers with the business tools they need to prosper.

Elias Rojas

Marketing Manager of Commercial Solutions

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Elias oversees the planning, development, and execution of MTA's Enterprise and Wholesale marketing and advertising initiatives.

John Sheneman

Enterprise Account Manager

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John serves as Enterprise Account Manager acting as a resource for prospective and current Enterprise customers to design and implement data network and voice connectivity solutions in and out of Alaska.