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MTA’s Field Crew Kept Alaska Moving Forward Throughout Volatile 2022

MTA’s Field Crew Kept Alaska Moving Forward Throughout Volatile 2022

2022 Marked an Impressive Year in the Field for MTA

Like most Alaskans, our dedicated field crew are no strangers to the state’s frequent severe weather. But what they are able to physically accomplish through challenging ice, snow, wind and other elements of our rugged terrain is truly remarkable.

2022 began with a historic windstorm impacting MTA’s service territory, with gusts of up to 50 mph causing hazardous conditions and severe wind chill. The year ended with the deepest snowfall in December since the 1950s.

Project milestones last year included completing utility relocation work for the Knik Goose Bay Phase 1 road project and ongoing network upgrades and deployment projects throughout the Mat-Su Valley.

Additional 2022 project milestones that helped set our team apart included:

  • Achieving the MTA Outside Plant (OSP) Plan for Fiber and Upgrades with 171 miles of fiber laid at 1,166 locations
  • Completing the USDA Grant Project at Eagle’s Nest at Kashwitna and Preserve at Sheep Creek with 14.4 miles of fiber laid, 142 fiber-to-the-home (FTTH) structures built, and 361 lots served
  • Completing year one of a three-year FTTx Buildout in existing area with Fiber Brownfields, 552 FTTH structures built, and 995 lots served
  • Construction on 80 Greenfield subdivisions
  • Completing 515 OSP work orders (engineering, placing and/or splicing)
  • Clearing 24.3 miles of land
  • Completing 7.3 miles of directional boring
  • Working with 123 contract personnel including 5 telecommunications, 8 electrical and 10 support contractors
  • Completing 11 ADOT/MSB relocate work orders with 2 partially complete work orders carried into 2023

This work isn’t self-serving – it helps to keep our members’ connections strong, our communities linked, and their economies stable. So, as we reflect on another highly productive year, we want to send out one final “thank you” to the men and women who brave the most extreme conditions to keep our communities connected. We know you will be there through whatever Alaska throws at us, making sure that we keep growing and keep moving forward.