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Boost Your Upload Speed

Double your upload speed with Boost for $9.99 / month

What is Boost?

How we connect has evolved, and we've become more reliant on upload speeds. That is why we created Boost — a feature you can add to any internet plan that will double your upload speed!

What is the difference between download and upload?

Download speed is how fast you can access data or information online (streaming TV on Netflix or Hulu, opening an email, loading a website, etc.). In contrast, upload speed is how quickly you can share and send information or data online (video calls, attaching a document to an email, file sharing, live streaming, smart cameras, etc.).

Conference Call

Who was Boost built for?

Gamer Streamer

Have you ever had to turn off your camera during a video call because you kept freezing? Ever waited for what seems like forever to share a large file? If these sound familiar, Boost is for you. Boost is for internet users who rely on upload speeds. For more Boost applications, see the list below!

  • Online Gaming
  • Smart Home Devices
    Especially cameras, security systems, and video doorbells
  • Livestreaming
    Twitch, Facebook Live and other real-time applications
  • Posting Images and Videos to Social Sites
  • Video Calls
    Skype, Zoom, Teams, Google Hangouts, etc.
  • Remote Learning
  • Collaboration Platforms
    Google Docs, Dropbox, iCloud, WeTransfer, etc.
  • Data Backups

Boost Your Uploads

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