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MTA 2023 Board Election and Annual Meeting

Held Wednesday, June 7, 2023
Location: Raven Hall, Alaska State Fairgrounds, Palmer.

MTA Annual Meeting

2023 Preliminary Election Results

A total of 3,044 ballots were cast in the election by mail, online and in person at the meeting. This represents approximately 9% of eligible voting members. Preliminary election results were announced during the Annual Meeting and are shown below. The election results will be certified in a regularly scheduled meeting of the Board on July 19 th at 6:00 p.m. at Palmer Headquarters.

Board CandidatesVotes Rec'd
Lee Cruise1,346
Ken E. Kincaid (incumbent)2,065
Craig A. Thorn (incumbent)2,195

Therefore, Ken E. Kincaid and Craig A. Thorn were elected to four-year terms.

Bylaw AmendmentYesNoPass/Fail
Proposition #A
Improving process for removal of Board Member