Long-Haul Transport
Revolutionizing Business in Alaska
As Alaska grows, so must its infrastructure. MTA’s transport service connects customers throughout Alaska to a high-bandwidth network like never before. Now you can tap into Alaska’s first and only all-terrestrial network, AlCan ONE, which enables a secure and reliable route from Alaska to any point in the contiguous United States.
AlCan ONE is changing the way business is done in Alaska. Customers that have depended on undersea fiber optic cables for transport can now diversify with a cost-effective, resilient alternative. The future of Alaska depends on networking that’s equipped to support the continuing growth of broadband. With capacity up to 100 terabits per second—that can be expanded as demand grows—we are preparing the Last Frontier with innovative connectivity state-wide and beyond.
Take advantage of the state’s exclusive all-terrestrial fiber line connecting Alaska to lower 48 and beyond.
Service levels from 10 Gbps and 100 Gbps with carrier-capacity up to 100 terabits per second.
Leverage 70 years of experience from an Alaska-owned company with 24/7/365 dedicated support.